Powder colours to cement are not harmful to health. They are intended for the colouring of concrete blends. It is possible to add them to scraped finish (brizolit)
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This double-component epoxide glue is determined mainly for gluing, cementing, watering, eventaully laminating. It is hardened by hardener P 11 and another set of hardeners according to application...
It can be applied mainly in machinery for repairs of castings uneveness from cast-iron, iron and different metal combinations, for renewal of metal parts of machines, pumps, petrol and diesel...
Colour paste (blue, yellow) intended for marking of asperities on the surface, surfaces of contact and parts of machinery in engineering and agricultural plants. It will cling to metal surface...
It belongs among single-component wood putties intended for the wood surface finishing. Wood putty Vytigen is compatible with all types of colours, lacquers, pastes and oils. It will serve during...
Glue hardenable in heat with improved resistance of the glued joint, intended for gluing of brake-shoe lining, non-asbestos friction lining of metal, friction lining of clutch, cutting diamond...
Rust cleaning and destroying at metal parts of machines, components, equipment, metal plates with non-rinsing effect, glossy working with high grade of resistance. Removing rust at repairs. It...
REOBET is superplastificating (strongly reducing by water) additive for concrete and mortar. Having liquiding and dispersant effect on concrete particles. Enables significant mixtures improvement...
Adhesive bridge is a single-component, non-dilutable, special penetration product on the base of polymere dispersion, determined as adhese – anchoring bridge for soft, non-soaking and broken...
AQUAIZOL is a double-component flexible coating substance on the base of modified cement mixture. It is determined for hydroisolation of building constructions. It is produced in two components,...
AQUAIZOL is a double-component flexible coating substance on the base of modified cement mixture. It is determined for hydroisolation of building constructions. It is produced in two components,...
Tinting of painting, facade or other disperse colours and also for painting concrete mixtures. Appropriate into two-component systems as for example poured, laminated, coating epoxides in...